Momilani Elementary prepares for Winter Break with “SNOW”-LOHA Fun Day!

Dec 18, 2023 | PC Community, PC Schools, Uncategorized

By Barry Villamil

Wow, 18 tons of snow dropped on the campus of Momilani Elementary School Monday morning during “SNOW” – LOHA Fun Day much to the delight of students from grades PreK – 6th grade who had a fun time playing on both Mount Arakawa and Mount Williams while all bundled up in their wintery snow gear.

The annual Snow Day is made possible by the generous support from the Hui O Momilani (12 tons of snow) and B&C Trucking Company (12 tons of snow and donated trucking services). Two, 9-ton truck loads of snow were dumped on the school property near the cafeteria creating Mount Arakawa and Mount Williams.

Garrett Arakawa, Principal, Momilani Elementary School

For 22 years (2 years missed due to the pandemic), B&C Trucking Company (Mr. Verne Santos and now son Cody Santos) has donated their trucking service and 6 tons of snow to our school. Hui O Momilani (Momilani’s PTSO) purchased 12 additional tons of snow for 18 tons of great fun. Thank you Uncle Verne, Cody, and to our Hui for the many years of fun!” 

The kids had such a wonderful time playing in the snow with their classmates as the different grades took turns, beginning at 8:30am, as the Momilani Elementary ohana looked on. I had a flashback of when I was in elementary school back in Kansas City and walking to and from school in the snow with the neighborhood kids.

I remember the crunch of the fresh snow under my snow boots while walking in single digit weather. This morning I got a chance to walk on the snow on the edge of Mount Arakawa and the crunch below my sneakers brought back fond memories.

I would like to say mahalo to Principal Arakawa and Counselor Lance Nishihara for the invitation to once again enjoy and capture Snow Day to post online on Also, mahalo to B&C Trucking Company owner Verne Santos and his son Cody Santos and B&C Trucking drivers Neil and Daniel who delivers the 18 tons of snow.

  Pre “SNOW”-LOHA Weather Forecast (posted by Momilani Elementary School)

The weather forecast for Monday, Dec. 18 calls for SNOW! Our Science Teachers Mrs. Umeda and Mrs. Tanaka are noticing a shift in our weather pattern and predict that Momilani Elementary will experience a massive cold front resulting in a huge amount of “mysterious” white stuff on our campus! Be ready to have some fun! 

So…Get your snow gear out and be ready to have a shivering fun time! If you will be braving this unusually “frigid” day, please be prepared! The following will be necessary to have a most enjoyable “SNOW”-LOHA send off for the Winter Break! 

Wishing you and your ohana a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Video and Photos by Barry Villamil |