By Barry Villamil, President-Elect, Rotary Club of Pearlridge
The Rotary Club of Pearlridge (RCOP) will return to fifteen Aiea and Pearl City elementary schools in the next two weeks to present Good Citizen Awards as a part of the annual RCOP Rotary International Dictionary 5000 Project. At the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year, RCOP members presented 800 third grade students and their teachers representing the fifteen Aiea and Pearl City public and private schools with “Free” dictionaries sponsored and donated by the Rotary Club of Pearlridge Foundation.
In each of the free dictionaries, Principles of Rotary International’s Four Way Test was included in the inside cover of each dictionary:
“Four Way Test”
1. Is it the truth;
2. Is it fair to all concerned,
3. Will it bring good will and better friendships
4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned
One boy and one girl from each school who best exemplified the Principles of the Four Way Test throughout the school year will be chosen by their third-grade teachers to receive a Good Citizen Award which honors and recognizes each award recipient with an official recognition letter and a $50.00 check from the RCOP Foundation. The Good Citizen Awards presentations are held during the school’s end of year awards assemblies.
The RCOP presented their first Good Citizen Awards of the 2023-2024 school year on Monday, May 20 at Pearl City Highlands Elementary School. RCOP President Dick Mosko presented third graders Arona Sileli and Raylee Bates with Good Citizen Awards in front of the Pearl City Highlands Elementary student body, faculty, staff, administration, and PCHES ohana during the end of the school year awards assembly held in the school cafeteria.
Congratulations to Arona and Raylee and their teachers Ms. Yamaguchi and Ms. Ocampo.
Also, congratulations to all the Good Citizen Award winners and all the third graders and teachers who participated in the RCOP Rotary International Free Dictionary 5000 and Good Citizen Awards Program.
The Rotary Club of Pearlridge is extremely proud of you and would like to wish you a safe and fun summer!
RCOP Rotary International Free Dictionary 5000 and Good Citizen Awards Program
Participating Schools
Kanoelani Elementary, Lehua Elementary, Manana Elementary, Momilani Elementary, Palisades Elementary, Pearl City Elementary, Pearl City Highlands Elementary, Our Lady of Good Counsel School, Waiau Elementary
Aiea Elementary, Alvah Scott Elementary, Cross Academy School, Pearl Ridge Elementary, St. Elizabeth School, Waimalu Elementary
Service Above Self
Photo by Barry Villamil
Pictured: (L-R) Ms. Ocampo, Ms. Yamaguchi, Good Citizen Award Winners Raylee Bates, Arona Sileli, RCOP President Dick Mosko