By Barry Villamil, President, Rotary Club of Pearlridge
The Rotary Club of Pearlridge had the honor of hosting Hawaii District 5000 Past District Governor and Past President of the Rotary Club of East Honolulu, Naomi Masuno on Friday, August 2 as a guest speaker at the RCOP lunch meeting held at the Pearl City Shopping Center conference room. PDG Masuno spoke to the RCOP members in attendance about the importance of actively being engaged in the Rotary ClubRunner online resources that keeps Rotarians up to date with a plethora of Rotary club information and interactive opportunities at their fingertips.
The RCOP was also blessed with the presence of two special guests who joined PDG Masuno and our RCOP membership last Friday: Paul Nakachi, Oahu Central Assistant Governor (2024-2025), and Nancy Cabral, Governor Elect (2025-2026).
It was great to be on the receiving end of the ClubRunner101 information and Q&A session from PDG Masuno, and also chat with both Governor Elect Cabral and Assistant Governor Nakachi. It was definitely a First Class Rotarian experience.
More great news: Assistant Governor Nakachi will host me and my fellow Oahu Central Rotary Club Presidents on Friday, August 9 for a meet and greet breakfast while also discussing and planning potential collaborative projects to benefit the communities we serve. I am excited to represent the Rotary Club of Pearlridge as its President while amongst a great group of talented and motivated club Presidents from Oahu Central.
Mahalo to PDG Naomi Masuno for a memorable guest speaker experience. It was also nice for me and our club members to catch up with a former Rotary Club of Pearlridge member and a very special friend to us all.
Service Above Self
Video and Photos by Barry Villamil