By Barry Villamil, President, Rotary Club of Pearlridge
I would like to thank the Rotary Club of West Honolulu for inviting and hosting the Rotary Club of Pearlridge and Rotary Club of Honolulu Pau Hana to a joint lunch meeting on Friday, January 10 at the Edge Restaurant in downtown Honolulu.
It was a very special joint lunch meeting as we were all given a wonderful opportunity to meet Rotary International President Nominee Sangkoo Yun from the Rotary Club of Sae Hanyan in Seoul, Korea.
RIPN Yun was accompanied by a group of Rotary International representatives who are in Hawaii for a site visit for the 2027 Rotary International Convention that will be held in Honolulu.
RIPN Yun also spoke to Rotarians and special guests in attendance about the upcoming Hawaii Convention as well as his vision for the future of Rotary worldwide.
Rotary Club of West Honolulu also featured guest speaker Kathy Custer who is the author of a brand new children’s book, “Do You Have A Money Monster? Her new book creatively focuses on financial literacy for children and is co-authored by her two sons.
As the President of the Rotary Club of Pearlridge, it was a true honor to participate in the Rotary Club of West Honolulu hosted joint lunch meeting along with fellow RCOP members:
Dick Mosko, Eric Fujimoto, Skip and Itsuko Suzuki, and Clarence De Lude
It was also a great opportunity to mingle with other Hawaii District 5000 Rotarians while sharing a meal and fellowship in the company of RIPN Sangkoo Yun.
Mahalo to Rotary Club of West Honolulu President Wesley Fong and PDG Naomi Masuno for the invitation to attend the joint lunch meeting.
Service Above Self
Video and Photos by Barry Villamil